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The Top 70 Messianic tunes

I run Chavah Messianic Radio, the best Messianic Jewish and Hebrew Roots radio on the web. It’s music for God by Messiah’s disciples. It’s distinct from contemporary Christian music by echoing Scripture’s focus on Israel and its people. Most of the music is from Messianic Jewish artists, much of it produced in the land. There’s some beautiful stuff here, folks.

Chavah is unique in that it lets listeners rate music by thumbing up or down tunes. This makes good music float to the top, and the junk sink to the bottom, benefitting all.

This past week, a dear friend and brother in Messiah (hi Jim) asked me if I could assemble together the top 70 Messianic songs. I did exactly that, but it’s buried in a private email system. I’d like to open it up to you, fine Kineti readers, and the opened internet.

Cue resounding trumpet blasts, fine Kineti readers, and behold the top 70 (heavenly seventy?) Messianic tunes, as rated by the international Messianic community.

UPDATE: the following list is live, pulled from Chavah as you read this post. Meaning, the list is up-to-date whether you read it 5 years ago or today.

Enjoy, fine Kineti readers, the very best music from our Messianic Jewish and Hebrew Roots brothers and sister in Messiah Yeshua.

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