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To Jeremiah M and Aaron H

I know both of you guys read the Kineti blog, and that both of your little noggins are filled with zooming theological musings that need a permanent home on the intarwebs. A blog is the answer.

Just make sure it doesn’t look like this.


WELCOME TO MY BLAGHZ! :-) :) :-D :| :( :( ;) :c) (:


it is the besit internetz site on the whoel wided world!!!!1111oneoneeleven

 0003x 0073 0023  angela_hovering_with_pixie_harp_md_wht  Animated_cross_stand_glow_hg_whtanimated-doveark-floating  baranLG cross_animated.22155717_stdAngel_on_carouseljewishstar cup_cross_bread_glowing_lg_clr edtorah jcansing  spinningCross wrhanu07

Animated .GIFs are teh evilz. And so is scrolling marquee text. And the <blink> tag. Now go have a good weekend, and find yourself a blog.

Appending "You might like" to each post.